The manifesto room

hercole's only theme is the questioning of the current model of development. hercole produces and disseminates art and thought, imagines practices to stimulate critical approach and generate change.

The hercole’s manifesto is a system of ideas consisting of 11 sentences, a trigger for analysis, insight, confrontation and debate. Each idea is a stance, a provocation proposed for discussion. The phrases of the manifesto are also the classification categories of the archive, an aggregation of projects in dialogue with each other. The hercole’s manifesto is not final, nor immutable, it is an open and co-participated letter.

For the Open Call you can propose free variants of the hercole manifesto, representing it in part or in its entirety, creating a poster of our manifesto.

Selected works will be exhibited in “The Manifesto Room” at Spazio Sfera in Bussero (MI) during the Madness Festival on June 15th and 16th.


hercole ETS
Cultural Association
P. IVA / C.F.   13443150969
Via Savona 97, 20144, Milan